Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Failures of Obama and His Administration in a Nifty Lift

Put together by moi and mostly off the top of my head.  I'm sure there's more, but here's a good start!


9.1% unemployment

US economy has shrank

Gas is STILL above $3.25 per gallon

Grocery prices rising

$5 trillion in federal borrowing

US credit downgraded - First time ever in history

1.5 million people without health insurance NOW because of companies preparing for Obamacare

Almost 50 million on food stamps (16% of the population)

Record numbers on new extended unemployment insurance

Fast & Furious / Gunwalker

Solyndra - a $535 million WASTE

Border not secured despite there being a WAR in Mexico with the Mexican drug cartel

"Prioritzing" deportation of illegals, which allows nearly all of them to stay in the US when 71% of them our on welfare and prioritizing is allowing people like Obama's illegal uncle to stay after his 2nd DUI

Killed NASA, or might as well for what he did to it

Refused to prosecute New Black Panthers members that stood outside polling locations and intimidated voters in 2008

Raided Gibson guitars for an Indian law without the Indian government's approval

Refuses to defend the Defense of Marriage Act

Paid Brazil 2 billion to drill for oil off their own coast for the US, instead of ALLOWING willing Americans to drill of off the US


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