Friday, September 16, 2011

Play Kitchens Ideas from Da Web

Exploring the web tonight for ideas for the play kitchen I will one day make for de baby.  I am broke right now and she's still a little young, so I got time to plan and analyze this to death.  Poor parenting choices can have dire results.
1) Super Simple Play Kitchen

Nap Time Crafters: Guest Post: Play Stove Top from Tales of the

Small living friendly and cultivates a child's imagination due to simplicity.  I like that. 
I would simplify the burners a bit more to reduce so much sewing and bulkiness.  It would make a great present for kiddos during the holidays for crafty people who make their own presents. 

Here we go!  Found this in a Google Image search.  This is more of what I'm thinking of.  It's not so bulky and even has a sink.  Children will loves!

2) Gorgeous Table Cloth Play Kitchen

This is awesome.  Notice the details, like the towel rack?  The kitchen looks like it fits over a TV tray.  I would make this if I had enough fabric lying around.  This is also good for small living since it can be easily packed away.  I imagine 2-3 year olds could set this up themselves without much or any assistance.

3) Recycled Bookshelf Play Kitchen

Kitchen from

I really like this.  It's clever and has lots of personality.  I may end up doing this with an old bookshelf instead of building my baby a play kitchen or sewing one.  I will not always live in a 512 sq ft sardine can.

4) Sleek Recycled Kitchen

Recycled Play Kitchen

Here we go!  Perfect AND for boys and girls.  Beautiful.  It deserves a minute of appreciation.  This might be my favorite out of wooden play kitchens.

5) Random Wooden Kitchens

It's a little plain, but easy to spruce up.  Painting the counter a different color would be an easy help or adding hooks for oven mitts and  kitchen utensils where the picture hands. I would have cut the top in a decorative way instead of straight. Little curtains pinned up around the picture would help too.

This actually looks fairly expensive.  Anyone else keep thinking the window is real?

Love the shelf.  It needs more accessories or paint.  A little chalk board with chalk on a string would be cute or a sheet of melt for magnets, but those might be a choking hazard for some kids.  More hooks for pot holders!

Gorgeous little play kitchen. It's perfect. I would do nothing to it! ...Probably.

I really hate the legs, but other than that it's good.  Maybe it's intended for boys or people who hate ugly legs like that. Overall, it is a good design for a simple homemade play kitchen. I would build it, but change out the legs.

This is a very nice recycled play kitchen.  I'm digging the colors and the chalk board.

There are a lot of great homemade play kitchens out on the interwebs.  To find these beauts I searched Google Image with the terms "recycled play kitchen," "homemade play kitchen," and "fold up play kitchen." 

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